Friday, February 08, 2008


It's rut time. Ugh. Somehow the thought of going to get coffee makes it seem like that could fix my weird mood. But probably it won't. I mean, I don't need a 3rd soy latte today. It's only 2:00. I'm not tired anyways. Kinda wish I could leave work early and go read comic books alone but I already ruined any possible chance of me leaving early from now 'til the rest of eternity. Ugh. I'm kinda scared of everything right now. Even found a damn nice house for sale in Eagle Rock but can't muster up the nuts to call the agent to see it let alone make an offer (which I know I should do-- there's nothing more that I want than to own a house in LA that I can live in). It's also weird cause I never have problems calling agents any other time. Maybe because this one's so good that I will be faced with the acute possibility that I would make a real offer? Maybe I don't want to deal with being on a lease whilst wanting to move into new digs? I dunno. (sound of balloon deflating) I normally don't like using this blog as a platform for bitching and moaning, so I apologize. Details are vague anyways. Thought maybe if I type it out then it can help me get back to work where I have this bitch of an episode to sync up. It's really giving me a hard time. Ack. Procrastinating, prooooocrastinating.

But hey, LOST was AMAZING last night. I love you, television.