Monday, December 17, 2007

Precariously Balanced

This is a heavy one. Stop reading now if you're adverse to life shit.
As many of you may already know, I've taken on a pretty hefty but insanely awesome freelance job IN ADDITION TO my current full time job at Disney. I work 60+ hours a week. It pretty much forced me to rearrange my whole life and put myself of a strict no-bullshit weekly schedule. Not that I have the energy, patience or even desire to go out much anymore anyway, this job makes it so it is virtually impossible to do so. It's the best excuse in the world when people bug me for not going out to a random bullshit hipster party or spend my money at a dumb bar. I guess my point is this-- I totally get it now. All of the things I've heard people (who were older and begrudgingly wiser) say over the years about how so little of the going out stuff really matters and how keeping yourself focused on the quality of your life now and your future is key (whether that be financially or in health)-- it's all crystal clear now. Despite the fact that people say I work too much, I gotta say that I've never been more happy in my career or more excited for personal future endeavors and investments in my entire life. I'm making things happen that I never realized could be a reality for me-- and so quickly at that.
The only problem is the bizarre void I find myself among peers. I'm doing well career-wise and am taking the necessary steps to own a nice home in Los Angeles. Believe me, I love hanging out and drinking as much as the next gal but I really limit taking part in that in order to meet my goals which are obviously much more important than who sees me out in my new dress or who sees my "rony's photo booth pic" from a DJ party night on myspace. Those people feel alien to me anymore. Seems simple, but the type of people who have my goals and who are in this sort of life phase tend to be people who are gung-ho about family/marriage. Eesh. That part couldn't be farther from what I want. But if I try to talk house renovations with anyone around me now, I bore them to tears. It's kinda lonely. I'm really fucking excited about these properties I'm going to buy in Pennsylvania but I can't really share it with anyone who genuinely cares let alone knows what I'm talking about. And it's not just the house thing. Travel, cars, TV's-- it runs the gamut. Yes, my work and short term goals are consuming me pretty hard core but there's no other way to stay focused and follow through otherwise. Suck. Suck. Suck? No wait, it actually doesn't suck.