Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Diamond Rings 2007

Last night was the final farewell instore performance at Sea Level Records and the last band to grace the back of the store (stage)? The amazingly bittersweet Deer Tick. See the photos below. I'm so glad Jonah summoned me from the depths of my freelance working chambers to check out the show. Otherwise, I would not have known about it at all. And yeah, I definitely love the "Diamond Rings 2006" version of the song better (which he played, much to our delight) but the title of this'a here post reflects the calandar year that is'a tha present! Nothing beats the present, let me tell ya. Nuh-thing.

And yes, if you're wondering though you probably aren't, I got a brand spanking new DIGITAL camera. I did it. Thought about sticking to film but the costs and the trouble for what it's worth scared me away. It's great though! I went all out. It's a beast. I'll probably be taking a hell of a lot more photos now that I have it and am through mourning the death of the Holga Polaroid. It might take me a little while to master this thing so bear with me and the few stinker photos that may come thru until that happens. Learning curve, dude. Wiiiiiiiii!!!!!!