Tuesday, May 15, 2007

UPDATE: where's yer god now, dude?

The current cover story on cnn.com is about Rev. Jerry Falwell who has just passed away at the age of 73. Last time I checked, people with sound peace of mind ( or spirit-- but i don't believe in that word) who also have access to expensive whole foods, exercise equipment and a+ medical care typically don't keel over from heart problems at 73. Way to treat yer body as a temple the way your bible states you should! What a role model! Bullshit!
Now before you start feeling bad about this rich old white man, let's all take a trip over to PositiveAtheism.com's Big Scary List of Jerry Falwell Quotations. This man's skewed perspective and utter hatred for mankind is utterly laughable. I'm gonna take a stab at it (though it may be a long shot 'cause i done failed medicals skool) but I'd have to say that it's Dick Cheney's gay daughter that poisoned him. Er, what?