Monday, November 07, 2005

Walk it off, hopefully they die

I think I just might harness up my dog tonight for a walk and take advantage of the rad Autumn weather that LA is experiencing. Maybe the figurative butterflies in my stomach I speak about so frequently will die in the cold. I mean, aren't they summer creatures anyway? Sheesh. Regardless, Oslo will be stoked to sniff out the neighborhood again.

So in the world of upcoming shows... anybody have any ideas? Deerhoof is on the 23rd @ the Echo. Unfortunately, the Animal Collective show falls on a shite night so I can't go to that. I'm thinking about Art Brut @ the Echo on the 18th.

Been feeling (ew, I'm talking about feelings) pretty shitty lately. That means some sweet Kusai & Ben comics coming. I'll let ya'll know when they've been posted.

Over and out.