Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm a crappy blogger but I still love you

Hey brother. Sorry about the lack of interesting blogging over the past month or so. Around Thanksgiving time, things should be back to "normal". By normal I mean a more regular Weekly comic featuring Kusai & Ben as well as a more up to date blog in general.

I'm also getting my Tokyo photos back tomorrow and will be posting as many of those as I can. Let's just hope the Holga did it's job and didn't completely screw up my 12 rolls of Ektachrome. If not, I just sunk a whole bunch of hope and enough money to buy myself a trip into outer space with a Russian for nothing but black contact sheets. Fingers are tightly crossed.

And one more thing... I never thought I would like it, let alone become addicted to it like a Western Pennsylvania hick does to meth/ Oxy-Contin BUT I am completely hooked on the show LOST on ABC. Yep, there. I said it. It's really really good people. Like TWIN PEAKS good. And you must watch it from the beginning to really get it. Carlos and I just finished the entire 1st season on DVD late last night and are sweating and scratching at imaginary itches just hoping someone we know started taping the 2nd season.

UPDATE>> iTunes has the episodes at $2 a pop. Ah, so little for such a big "fix".