Sunday, October 16, 2005

A, sumimasen!

Whoops. Didn't mean to bump into you with my gazillion bags of TOYS and ROBOTS!!! Hells yeah, bitches. Just got off the JR. I'm a wide eyed kid at xmas here in Tokyo. And I'm staying at the Park Hyatt (Lost In Translation hotel) to boot. If you ever come to Tokyo, do yourself the favor of a lifetime and spend the extra whatever it is a night just to experience this place first-hand. The movie only gives the hotel a little bit of justice. I bet the staff would even come wipe my ass if I called and asked for it. Wait, all bets are off. They're wiping my ass right now.

Hehe. Oh, sake makes me giddy!

I've already dropped a heap of yen on the aforementioned toys. Six more glorious days to go. We hit Nakano (and its insane Mandarake) and part of Shinjuku today. We'll be headed down to Harajuku tomorrow for more things involving Japan reaching it's cute and efficiently designed fist into the bowels of my fragile bank account. But hey, I'm not complaining. As long as it's got an adorable little icon character on it, I don't mind being violated monitarily.

But I think this guy might love cute things way too much in the literal sort of way...

I'll also report on the Ghibli Museum later this week!!