Sunday, October 02, 2005

My First Holga

For the upcoming Tokyo trip, we decided it would be best NOT to take the bulk of our photos with a perfect little digital camera. I mean, the city's already clean and crisp enough. The only camera I could think of that reliably takes the most unreliable and most fucked up pictures are sweet little (and cheap) Holgas. Yay!

I got me the model with the color flash to shoot some super punchy reversal color slide film (oh, how I love me some Ektachrome!) to push a few stops and cross process as negative. Also got some good old Tri-X black and white. Who can forget their black photo tape! Not me. I'll wear that damn roll like a bracelet while I'm out taking hip-shots. But then again, a little light leak never hurt anyone. Carlos, that clever bastard, picked up the Holga model without the built-in flash but got the add-on flash AND polaroid back. Sweet.