Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hush Puppies

I can't really talk too much about it but I'm handling some really drool-worthy things at work. This anomaly has got me all into what I do again, which in case you forgot, is usually shovelling shit. More later.

One of my parents' cats recently had a litter of four kittens and only one survived. I'm not a cat person at all (we already have 2 bitchy dogs) but after seeing the photos I've really been considering flying back east to claim this adorable kitty before someone else does. Its mother is hands down one of the most interesting looking specimens I've ever seen, especially in the gray tabby type. She's got the long face of an Egyptian pharaoh's cat with bright green eyes and a sleek body. Instead of a bunch of little stripes on her back, she has these wide meandering lines that comtinue all the way to the tip of her tail. Gorgeous.