Wednesday, November 09, 2005

if I were a cheerleader...

...I'd do an extra special super (not too gay) cheer for the weather today. It's raining here in southern California and I'm loving every second of it.

It hit me like a ton of hot bricks yesterday that I never got a reminder call about my latest tattoo "zapping" appointment. It was supposed to be last Saturday. Whoops. This will only be the fourth sitting out of who knows how many so I'm just thinking in terms of baby steps here. I have to. Cause if you look at the large tattoo in question, you'd just think I never took care of it. Which is to say that it just looks a little faded. I can't get too bummed about it though. Not only was the financing on the whole procedure insane but I already have enough crap clogging the stressed out plumbing in my brain.