Wednesday, October 03, 2007

i'm not a big fan of the internet right now

well, not the internet internet-- just the things you have to do to make the internet work for you. like my main website, the goddamn thing won't tick. it hasn't worked in months, despite my efforts to save it. Soon, will point directly at this blog as opposed to an archaic "flash only" site. yarp. suck my ass barf. that's what cartman just said on the new south park. suck my ass barf.

speaking of sucking, the people that came out to the Aero Theater in Santa Monica who asked questions at the q&a at the screening of Wes Anderson's "The Darjeeling Limited" were quite a bunch of..... well... um..... choice people? i wish i was equipped with a bigger set of balls cause i really wanted to ask some q's. but didn't. wes is too cool for my school so i just listened to random folk try to buddy up with wes about opium experiences. eesh. a girl near us who came into the screening late (brace yourself for this one) brought her boyfriend and A SIGN to wave in the air for wes during the q&a. poor dude who was her boyfirend. i really WAS in the west side. double eesh. the film, however, was amazing. again, i was thoroughly entertained. was even lucky enough to see the "Hotel Chevalier" short film ON FILM (not just itunes) before the feature.

also AWESOME is the new loft downtown. jonah and i are the first people to live in this brand new unit within this brand new building above a goddamn RALPH'S. holy jeebus how convenient. i don't quite know how to describe how it feels to have brand new finished EVERYTHING (ie, kitchen and bathroom et al). fuck yes. and in other good news, little Parker has joined the ranks of potty trained dogs everywhere as she has finally fit into the groove of pooing and peeing outside while ON THE LEASH. this is a feat few have ever witnessed. our little rescue pup has come a long way and is finally in a better, happier spot--- and it shows. the "kids" make me so happy in this time of jonah being gone and touring the east coast in an effort to fight in the comedy wars. i sure do miss him. he hasn't even been able to live in his new place yet! damn comedy! damn it straight to-- aw, boo i don't want to moan anymore. time for beddies.