Monday, September 05, 2005

My 216th post

Wooo! I can't contain my excitement. Look at me. I'm reeling with joy. Actually, I think I'm more excited about the fact that I have the day off. Go Labour Day!

We went to the Echo Saturday night to watch what musical stylings The Juan Maclean had to offer. Aside from waiting an eternity to get into the show, it was pretty damn good. I was completely mesmerized by the drummer the entire time, not because he was hot (and he certainly was not) but because he was an all out disco metronome robot with no slip-ups between the acoustic kit and the analog drum/synth pad he had. I always like to see how people pull off "Daft Punk-esque" music in a live setting and these lads had it down. It was definately a more enjoyable time as opposed to the last time I was there witnessing the live birth of the 'Corn Gangg. Ugh. Sorry to bring that up again.

I've been storybarding the Kusai & Ben short this weekend so there may be a delay in the delivery of a new Weekly comic for you all to not read. There you have it.

Oh yeah, and to ease my own self-induced guilt about my previous comments on the hurricane shit, I've donated some money to the Red Cross relief efforts. I'm definately a hater but a hater with at least a little bit of a heart that responds to its own deep seeded Catholic guilt.