Tuesday, August 30, 2005

TV is my friend

Okay, so I'm totally thrilled that season 3 of Arrested Development is in production and will start airing on September 19th but what's that you say? Charlize Theron will be joining the cast? I really don't have an opinion about her so I'm not sure how this is going to play out. Could be just another female hot-body on screen that Job (pronounced JOBE) attempts to screw. Now the first season cameos with Carl Weathers- that was some TV fun for all! Hmmm. Yeah. Just the thought of this show makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Did somebody say, magic?

Also in TV news, Carlos managed to get his hands on a DVD with every episode of the new Ricky Gervais HBO show, "Extras". The first 3 get off to a slow start and you'll find yourself getting totally engaged in every word Gervais says, hoping for some comic genius to spew out at any moment. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen until about the 4th episode. Then the magic starts. It's no Nathan Barley but definately one of the best TV shows to come out all year.

Geek Pie!!

I know way too many "Idiots". Fuck, I just might be one too. I'll beg you people again-- please watch Nathan Barley. You'll thank me, I swear.

I really wish Chris Morris weren't so damn reclusive. I don't normally gush over TV people and the like but he's absolutely brilliant.