Sunday, August 28, 2005

Walkmen made me deaf and I am not getting younger

Trekked into hipster-ville last night to catch the Sunset Junction After-Show down the street at Spaceland. The Walkmen were great though I still can't hear correctly. The ringing won't stop. What? It all got me to thinking that I gotta get out more in general. Me being a creature of strict robotic habit, I always do the same lame things. I don't go out of my firmly established comfort zone. Dammit, I'm wasting my 20's away like matches in a tornado in Kansas. A friend of mine told me about some new bars over in Echo Park worth checking out. Just might take them up on that. Boo hoo hoo waaaah waaahh for me. At least my stomach seems a bit better. Drank coffee this weekend for the first time in many weeks. Sweet sweet coffee.