Monday, January 31, 2005

I like cars more than telephones...

It's funny how the song that's on constant repeat in my head is so relevant. The Arcade Fire needs to record that one on something other than a damn pocket tape recorder.

The Annie Awards took place last night and were pretty interesting to say the least. It's funny to see otherwise fashion impaired animators all dressed up and spiffy. The Incredibles took home an award for every category they were nominated in. Whoa, really? That's a shocker!

I also had a rad Sunday morning drive with my friend Pieter in his sweet R32. Needless to say, it was a car geek good ol' time. We also checked out a few Porsches and Lotus' and the like at the tail end of a gathering in Woodland Hills.

Never fear, comic supporters, I will be working double overtime on the series this and next week. Much like last week, there will be more than one new comic posted. You can thank the non-stop clinking of the cogs in my head and the tugging of the strings attached to my wee metal heart for that. I'm not built like a robot but shit, wouldn't that be so much easier?? I certainly wouldn't have all this nervous energy and the knot in my stomach!