Saturday, January 22, 2005

New Slang

The Shins' "new" video is up on the Sub Pop label site. This one's definately a more straight forward approach as opposed to the Postal Service's "new" one.
(**DISCLAIMER- this song is even older than the previous Postal Service song, clocking in at 4 years old. Don't you just love it when movies, and by that I mean the nefarious "Garden State", rehash the stuff you love dearly by saying, and I quote Natalie Portman, "It'll change your life!" Argh! That's the absolute most embarrassing line in cinema history! Shame on you Zach Braff!)
This video doesn't really have a narrative but it somehow makes me miss living in a place with seasons that require the use of a winter coat. Maybe it's the film stock. "New Slang" totally represents Seattle when I was there too so maybe that has something to do with it.

Random images... The view out my front door.