Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A Bunny For Your Thoughts

New comic coming tomorrow... Until then, please check out Buddyhead's so-true-it's-funny "Best and Worst Albums of 2004".

The Arcade Fire show Sunday night at the Troubadour in West Hollywood totally slayed and raised the bar for live performances by indie bands near and far. Hell, they even managed to pull this off despite the fact that their lead singer had 25% of his voice left. I also spied Spike Jonze in the audience which I've heard gives any band mad scene points and instant street cred. Oh wait, the Arcade Fire was already HUGE way before their second set of shows in LA. Nevermind. If anyone has any super early recordings of theirs (even prior to the s/t EP), please let me know. They did a song called "Cars & Telephones" that totally knocked me on my ass and I MUST find it for the sake of all your children, dammit. The internets searchin' ain't been fruitful for this gem, folks.

My sister Caitlin is going to be scoping out a job offer for a Pharmacist position in Phoenix, AZ this week with my dad in tow. Congrats sister! If you choose to accept it, you will be making more than DOUBLE my measly salary and that's right out of college. Hot damn, Dr. Crist. They'll also be headed out here to LA to visit lil' ol' me for a day. It's always nice when family comes to me as opposed to the other way around. The weather sucks balls back home right now and I have to remind myself of that every time I whine about missing the east coast.

That's all for now. As of today, I've got A LOT on my mind and only 4 panels of a comic to translate and fit it into. And wouldn't you know it, I have a headache again.