Monday, January 24, 2005

The New Year

I'm talking about the band, silly, not the lame time of year that everyone wishes it be "happy" at you. Recently, I trudged back into the depths of my record collection and stumbled across their album called "Newness Ends"(2001). What a damn fine recording, if I do say so myself. Much better than their latest effort "End Is Near". "Newness Ends" has more of a solid and finished feel to it without being too pretty and polished. Oh, and the time signatures their drummer plays with kicks my ass! (Yes, I play drums along with this record. I have no shame in admitting that. Hold your laughter until you leave the room please.)

So me and my mild case of agoraphobia went head to head this weekend as I braved the crowds at a sports bar to watch, gulp, American football with a friend of mine. In the end, I actually a great time. Thanks Kim, for summoning me from my hobbits' den of despair (ie, my home studio). I have to defend my reclusive nature though by stating that I have made drastic headway in the character & story development process. Yes, Ben and Kusai now have more of a stable ground to walk on- figuratively speaking. Different characters will be appearing in the weekly comic as well. Speaking of which- a new comic should be up later tonight if I get my shit together.