Friday, December 09, 2005

Necessary Means

Hey there, hi there, ho there. Found my glasses earlier this evening. Been MIA for a couple a' months. My supposed googly eye is now in check. Storyboarding has commenced once more. Full speed ahead. 15 pages out of 40 or so done. Keep me in, coach. I won't let you down. I swear.

I forgot how comfortable sight becomes when I wear these things. You see, I actually have perfect 20/20 vision in each of my ocular apparati. However, my eyes don't like working together when it comes to what they focus on. Therein lies the eye-strain-all-too-frequent-headache-from-hell-problem. So don't be surprised if you see me roll by with a new-ish gimmick on my face in the near future.