Friday, December 09, 2005

Moving Day

So the office is all packed up and I sit typing this amdst an array of stacked and sturdy white file boxes while FREEZING my buns off due to the aforementioned thermostat problem. Unfortunately, my new office down on the 3rd floor-- though much bigger than the current fox den-- has a much similar meat locker issue with its ventilation system. Yay. Oh yeah, and did I mention that it doesn't have any windows? Not that I care all too much about sunshine, etc (possible vampire reference-- take it or leave it), but it would be nice to know if the sun is setting or if by some random act of divine nature it could be raining. Or something.

My half-assed answer to the future lack of vision to the outside world? A saltwater fish tank. I've always wanted one a' them things and I figure that now's a better time as any to drop the cash for it. I'm not just going to fill it with ANY old fishies though. They've got to be able to keep my ADD ass enter-motha-fukin-tained. The only swim-swim creatures I can think of that fit this bill are tiny sharks and pirahnas. You know, fish that eat other fish and would probably feast on my hand if dipped into the tank of DEATH (Y'like that? I just came up with that one). I want there to be a weekly "feeding time" whereupon I buy a few unsuspecting smaller, weaker fish and dump them into the tank of DEATH and watch them get eaten alive. It'll be a real life metaphor too so people think I'm all deep and stuff.... What? It'll like be having the National Geographic Channel in my new office. Who doesn't like the National Geographic Channel? And who needs a window anyway?

Aw, look at the little guy! I think I'll call him Chester.