Monday, July 25, 2005

Willy Wonka is a germophobe

And so am I, to a certain extent. I don't wear purple rubber gloves during my waking hours though.

We went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last Friday night and I am soooo glad that Burton is back in top form for this one. (Everything except for the vapid Oompa Loompa songs, that is. These are mostly Elfman's fault. I knew about this before I went in so it wasn't much of a surprise.)

In true Burton fashion, the children cast for the 5 lucky golden ticket holders look incredibly strange and surreal. The art direction is total bliss and Jonny Depp out-performed my expectations. Go see this movie if you haven't already. Just beware the song moments. Make them your bathroom break/ popcorn run & refill.