Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Wedding Present to you all

Speaking of men from the UK, I've been meaning to mention the Wedding Present's new album, "Take Fountain". It took only a few listens but now I'm hooked (thanks Eric). Hopefully you'll feel the same - test drive it on Amazon or if you have the luxury of an Amoeba record store in yer backyard, visit their listening stations. But then again, maybe you won't like it at all. I selfishly gotta admit, this album is truly a perfect fit for my mood as of late.

And that's another thing. I've been EXTREMELY wary of typing anything in this blog that is (what some may consider) too personal. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine that he felt dirty reading my blog a few months ago because it was like reading my diary or something. After mulling over the obvious, I've been trying to keep it on the informational side though keeping my opinions around for the occasional snide comment. Now I'm torn. Not that it matters in the end anyway. Just know that a few things might eek their way into future posts that reflect stuff that you, the reader, are allowed to ignore. Heaven knows, I sure try to.