Thursday, February 03, 2005

An Unfortunate "Boo"

Ladies and gentlemen, it's a sad day in animation. I had the rare opportunity to see an advance copy of Don Hertzfeldt's highly anticipated short film, "The Meaning Of Life" this evening. Well...(cough) it was really boring.
Now, I understand the whole "artist changing the direction of one's work to broaden the span of their career" but come on now! I want to say that I want my money back but that doesn't apply. However, wanting all the hopes I invested in the future of this otherwise brilliant animator does apply. So please, Don, I'd like them back. Cough it up, dude. Or at least until you can make me laugh so hard it hurts (repeatedly) and want to scream from the hilltops that you're the best at what you do again. Save your soul searching esoteric artsy bullshit for the student film genre where it belongs. Sorry this is so harsh- I'm just deeply disappointed and have had way too many Red Bulls today.