Thursday, December 16, 2004

1000 Pardons

The not-so-weekly Weekly section of the site will be updated later tonight.
For some strange reason, it's been difficult to execute my usual mean spirited but adorable comics with these new characters. Please bear with me through this new character adjustment period. It'll work out, I promise. They'll be slicing each other's throats in no time.

My sweet darling Carlos Ramos and his show 'the X's' were featured a nice write up about Nickelodeon in USA Today (aka everyone's totally trusted news source- haha). Here's a peek at his baby:

The Acting Famous website is partially up ( Dates, times and general info to be posted soon.

Also, if anyone knows of some Japanese names that would be suitable for animated characters (both cute and tough) please drop me a line. Naming n'est pas facile.