Friday, December 10, 2004


It's a little early to be talking too much about it and yes, I realize that I carelessly left out the "H" above...
Just like Thanksgiving, this particular holiday will be spent here in LA. It'll be a much needed week of nothingness. After last week's juice fast I am totally looking foward to comsuming copious amounts of holiday goodies and actually being able to function as a normal human being.
On the other hand, I found out my sister is briefly coming back to the states for the holidays. That will make me the only Crist missing 'round the ol' fake tree in bumble-cold-as-fuck Pennsylvania. I'm definately going to miss being home now. Or maybe I'm merely fooling myself and I'm just missing the past Christmas holidays. Either way, there's still going to be a longing to go back east.
Here's a photo my dad took last Christmas: