Friday, February 09, 2007

Noel Disses Thom, I Am Going To SXSW, Unicorn Earrings Are Gone and Other Surprises

Wow, a lot's been going on. So much so that I must blog about some of it.

Let's get to the first part of this huge headline. Totally ganked from Stereogum, BTW. If you know anything about me, then you know of my disdain for the later Radiohead albums and more recently, their sold out shows at the Hollywood Bowl. I don't want to get into it this early in the morning (with a stomach ache, no less), so I'll leave you with the words of the biggest player hater around, Noel Gallagher. Not to say that I'm all that impressed with Oasis' music over the years either but at least he has the balls to call people on their shit.
From NME:

Thom Yorke sat a piano singing,
'This is fucked up' for half-an-hour.
We all know that Mr Yorke.
Who wants to sing the news?
No matter how much you sit there
twiddling, going, 'We're all doomed,'
at the end of the day people will
always want to hear you play 'Creep'.
Get over it.

I heart this drawering. Ruddy fucking genius. Totally like captures the unbearable pain of being successful amidst a music industry that's like shite.

Also on the agenda is a trip to Austin for the movie magic portion of SXSW. It'll be my first time in Austin, at the festival itself AND seeing the fabulous Kent Osborne grace the big screen. He's starring in both a feature (Hannah Takes the Stairs) and a short (The Pipe)... not to mention the trailers played at various times throughout the festival.

What a fucking rockstar.

Here's a sad story if you're into sad stories and I know you are, Senor/Senorita Pity Party. A couple weeks ago, we got the most radical and to the extreme Thai massages from a place that Kent has been telling me about for a while. Afterwards at dinner, my heart jumped into my throat when I noticed that the little gold stud unicorn earrings from my childhood I was wearing earlier that day were most definately not in my ears. Um, no biggie though. Yeah. I knew exactly where I left them at the massage place and it had only been about an hour since I walked out the door. Or so I thought. After calling the place and even going back there a few minutes later, the earrings seemed to have completely vanished. Everyone played dumb as I asked myself into a blackhole of unanswered questions. Argh. My head drooped and my previously relaxed upper back tensed up. I looked around the waiting area of the place as I dragged my defeated ass out the door. The staff looked at me with savory contempt. Or was it just plain savory blood lust? Wait! Holy shit! That's it! THEY ARE VAMPIRES!! Why else would they want the innocent and unwavering power of eternal youth that my unicorn earrings emit?? Now I must fight an unholy war to get them bacK!! What will happen if this power is harnessed by the wrong hands??!!

See, that was a great story. It had both UNICORNS AND VAMPIRES... I fucking deliver, yo. But it still doesn't bring back my earrings. :(

Okay, here comes the lame. I'm gonna gush for a sec cause fuck you, this is my blog. Remember when I said that 2007 is gonna be a great year and that there is so much to look forward to? Well, turns out I was right. And it's all gonna make for some great polaroid (while the film lasts, of course) pics and blogging fodder. Woo!

See you in Austin.