Monday, April 04, 2005

Kids Choice Awards

Hola people. Damn, if this weekend didn't fly. It was the only real time I've had since I landed back in LA to gather my bearings and slither back into Pacific time... with the Daylight Savings time switch to boot. I love this though. It's light when I wake up AND when I roll up to the house after work. I love not feeling like I've completely written off my soul as well as an entire day to the mouse... Hey, I said feeling like I haven't done that. Lord knows that actually happened a long time ago. Yikes.

Speaking of "yikes", we had the pleasure of attending the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards this past Saturday at some UCLA stadium thingy. Despite all of the obligitory children running around, I had a blast. Carlos was secretly upset though because none of the "hot" stars that he is into were there. I, on the other hand, had mini heart attacks all night to the beat of: Jimmy Fallon, Hayden Christensen, Justin Timberlake AND (gasp) Jonny Depp. Wow, I sound like a real girl right now. Haha, also in attendance and sitting right behind us was none other than "Mr. Henry", James Caan. Directly behind him was Cheech Marin. Here's a crappy phone photo Mr. Henry:

I took a few more photos but the technology on my phone cam is downright archaic. I won't hurt your eyes with the blurry colors.