I told you guys I would employ the Pavement titling thing... This came from my absolute favorite EP called Watery, Domestic. Get this: On the evening of December 23rd, 2000 I was walking to the south Philly free parking lot at 7th and Christian to load up my '93 Honda Civic for the trip back to Pittsburgh for the holidays. It was cold as fuck and lightly snowing.
As I approached my car, I noticed that the passenger window was smashed in. Yikes. I opened up my car to find that nothing was really taken and things were merely strewn about. There was just glass and snow everywhere. Whew. Ok, I could have dealt with that. Until I started the car and tried to back out of my parking spot. I heard the transmission click into reverse, but my wee car did not move.
Meanwhile, Pavement was blaring from my crappy factory tape deck. The song (and perhaps one of the top 5 of all time for me) was "Frontwards" and came from the aforementioned EP. It's just funny becuase in this song, Stephen Malkmus jokes about "stolen rims, are they alloy of chrome?".
I put my car back into park, got out and walked to the front passenger side to find that my rim was in fact, stolen. The hack thief did it had popped my trunk once inside my car, taken the spare jack and proceeded to take the front wheel. Oh yeah, he made off with the spare
and the jack too, dropping my poor car onto the icy pavement. Haha, pavement. My parents ended up coming out to Philadelphia the following morning to switch out the front wheels so I could make it home. Luckily, there was not pertinent axle damage from the drop.
That's my holiday/Watery, Domestic/stolen wheel story.
14 days until I get jet-set. I ordered me up a nice new carry-on because checking bags on a connecting flight scares me to death. Erin had some problems with that stuff too. I'd rather avoid it and just have everything with me.
I'm gonna miss you, Eric.