Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pennies from heaven!

So it's like that time of the year again, huh? Well, instead of getting caught up in the absolute shite of things falling all around me, I've decided to make a short list of things that are currently making me happy. Or, you guessed it, things I'm thankful for. Please note that I'm leaving PEOPLE off this list so no one emails me all shitty and feels slighted or something retarded.

[in no particular order]

-- the all new & improved Kusai & Ben script (for the pitch)
-- Marmoset & Akron / Family (it's a tie)
-- Oslo
-- playing drums
-- the bitchin' pedicure I got yesterday
-- Converse All Stars
-- Buffalo 66 (was on IFC again last night)
-- Burt's Bees Lip Balm
-- straight leg jeans
-- No more sore throat
-- Brown eyes
-- Man Man's Van Helsing Boombox