Wednesday, November 10, 2004


No, not 'Shaun of the Dead'. I'm talking about me. My daily mid-afternoon headache renders me a stumbling, moaning portrait of the living dead. Ouch. Just don't wield any large objects or cricket bats at my head.

In other news of the much cooler sort, we were somehow able to get super (and by that I mean gay, of course) cool tickets to see a a super (gay again) advance screening of Wes Anderson's 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' at the Egyptian Theater next Thursday. It's already sold out though- sorry to any interested patrons, you lose big time. Wes will be speaking after the screening too. The movie is officially slated for its domestic release on December 10th (New York & LA) and the 25th nationwide.

Speaking of Wes Anderson movies, Carlos got to record Jason Schwartzman as a character voice for his upcoming show at Nickelodeon.
Here's some proof from that day:
